1. Visiting students are encouraged to contact us to let us know you'll be visiting with us.  Visitors are encouraged to participate in the class in order to get a good understanding of the movements and for how classes are organized.  

  2. Most classes start with a warm up consisting of qigong (breath work) and a fundamental walking form. The class then performs a portion of the taijiquan form.  Most classes will then break up students into smaller groups for directed focus and learning.

  3. Classes are held in outdoor pavilions. Dress accordingly. The Laughing Mountain Pavilion has patio heaters and plastic walls for a little added protection in the winter.

  4. Clothes should be comfortable and easy to move in. Athletic shoes may be more comfortable but not required. Some choose to practice barefoot during the warmer weather and that is acceptable as well.

  5. First class is free. 

  6. Students are encouraged to come to class with an empty cup!  We all try to leave teachings from previous teachers at the door and focus on what is being taught in class.

  7. Martial arts schools have wude (the relationship between teacher-student, student-student, and student-teacher; guidelines for class behavior) Please be sure to visit Black Bamboo Pavilion’s wude list to familiarize yourself with class etiquette.  (http://www.blackbamboopavilion.com/etiquettewude/)

  8. Fee and payment information can be found here.