Out over my skis
/Yesterday I got out over my skis. For those who don’t know the term – it means ahead of myself. My mind started adding up all the tasks that need to be done for work and I started leaning forward into it. Anticipating the pandemonium that might set in as tedious and cumbersome tasks all collided into my schedule at the same time, I got caught in a mental tizzy.
Students in my classes know these as things we don’t do – get ahead of yourself, anticipate, lean.
We know that taiji is a martial art. We talk about it all the time in classes. When we interact with other people with push hands, or just talk about it – what are the things we say….? Stay centered in yourself, Don’t lean forward, Don’t anticipate your next move in form or your opponent’s next move until they make it.
One of my favorites is that we don’t go to them – they come to us!! We don’t reach out, compromising our own form while we try to grab an arm… No – we HOLD and wait for them to make the move and come to us.
Don’t rush towards problems tomorrow
Over the years of attempting to practice taiji, I’ve found it creeping into my daily life in many ways. Taiji isn’t just a way of standing and moving. The philosophy that our art is based in can help us navigate our lives – at least it can if we stop long enough to figure out how to apply it. Unfortunately, we don’t always slow down and recognize when we’re failing to apply our weekly lessons to our daily life.
Yesterday, I failed to listen to my own lessons. Instead of waiting for these potential issues to manifest themselves, I cultivated the chaos, reaching out and grabbing issues that weren’t here yet. When I finally stopped and thought, ‘From the position I’m in now, how do I prepare for if these issues finally reach my desk?’ And then taiji brain kicked.
Stay Centered… Don’t Reach - if the problems want to come, the know how to get there.
What would taiji do? We make sure our posture is correct; that we’re grounded. And then we wait in the position you’re in for the force to meet you. Reacting too soon creates chaos in your own mind and body. Reacting to late creates chaos in your own mind and body. Don’t lean, don’t anticipate, just be mental aware and watch for change. Don’t respond to change that isn’t there… wait for the change – then respond.
Don’t be like me… Instead remember our weekly lessons in standing up straight and not reaching out to draw opponents close. If they want to pass us by, we let them.